Eye Opener Breakfast Wrap

Eye Opener Breakfast Wrap

By: Amy - Avon Park, FL - 2016 Recipe Contest

This is a Door County Coffee Fan recipe. It was not made in the kitchens of the Door County Coffee Cafe.


Featured ingredient: Dark Voyage

  • 1/2 lb thick cut bacon
  • 2 TBSP Door County Coffee Dark Voyage Grounds
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1TBSP brown sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 TBSP half & half
  • 1/2 haas avacado-sliced (4 slices)
  • 4 slices ripe tomato
  • 1 c. cooked quinoa
  • 2 large burrito wrappers (flour tortilla)


Makes 2 sandwiches

    1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees

For Coffee steak rub:

    1. Heat oven to 400 degrees.
    2. In a spice grinder or blender, combine espresso, cumin, cinnamon, and brown sugar. Pulse until completely incorporated.
    3. Rub both sides of bacon strips with spice & coffee mixture. Place seasoned bacon onto a cookie sheet and bake on the lowest rack at 400 degrees for 15 -20 minutes or until crisp. Check bacon around 15 minutes to see how quickly it is crisping.
    4. While bacon cooks, scramble 3 eggs with half & half. Cook/scramble in a nonstick skillet until done. Remove from heat.
    5. To assemble breakfast wrap, place 1/2 c. cooked quinoa in the center. On top of the quinoa, spoon 1/2 of scrambled eggs, 2 strips of crisp bacon, 2 slices of avocado, 2 slices of tomato.
    6. Fold burrito wrapper like an envelope and close. Cut in half and enjoy!